Try refreshing your viewer by going to the Help tab in the viewer and clicking on the "Reload Viewer" button. This "Reload Viewer" button may also be located at the bottom of your video viewer page and looks like this:
You may also want to try closing the viewer window and re-launch the viewer from your, 'My Account' page.
Your Internet cache in your browser may need to be cleaned/cleared out. If you are unsure on how to clear your browser cache, an alternate and quicker option is to try switching to a different browser to continue viewing the program. If you're on Internet Explorer - try switching to view the program on Google Chrome browser. Other popular browsers such as Safari and Firefox are compliant with playback. Following this step resolves the vast majority of playback issues.
If you are still having problems, please contact the Help Desk at or 01235 847 393.
Please click on the "Reload Viewer" button located with the blue buttons along the lower left corner of the video viewer page, it is also located under the Help tab in the video viewer page and looks like this:
If the issue continues:
Please try the below suggestions to troubleshoot your audio issues.
First, please open a new tab (CTRL + T in most browsers) in your browser and go to and click on any video to confirm you're able to hear audio. This can confirm whether this lack of audio is an issue with your machine or with the program. If you are not able hear audio on a YouTube video the issue is with the audio settings on your computer/device.
Try closing the viewer tab, returning to your online account and launching the viewer again by clicking the green Launch Viewer button under the title of the course.
External Speakers
Confirm speakers are plugged in and powered on.
Confirm the volume is turned up on the speakers.
Confirm that the speakers are plugged into the correct port on the back of the computer.
Internal Speakers (Laptop)
There often is a "mute" key on the keyboard for muting audio on laptops. Try clicking this and/or the volume UP key.
System Volume
There is a speaker icon next to the computer clock in lower right corner of screen on Windows computers.
If you click this icon you can adjust your overall system's sound settings.
If none of these solutions work and you need assistance, do not hesitate to contact Customer Support at or at 01865 428 649
There are a couple main culprits that may cause streaming playback issues. We've found the following troubleshooting steps correct the vast majority of buffering or stuttering performance issues. Any option by itself may clear up the playback issues.
If your video has stopped momentarily and this issue isn't occurring consistently, please click on the "Reload Video" button at the bottom left corner of your viewer. If a video playback issue consistently repeats - see below section.
You may be having intermittent issue with your Internet connection. This solution will lock you onto the lowest video stream that may smooth out your video playback experience.
Your Internet cache in your browser may need to be cleaned/cleared out. If you are unsure on how to clear your browser cache, an alternate and quicker option is to try switching to a different browser than the one you're currently using to continue viewing the program.
If you're on Internet Explorer or Safari - try switching to view the program on Google Chrome browser (or vice versa). Other popular browsers such as Opera and Firefox are compliant with program playback. Switching to a different Internet browser to resume playback resolves the vast majority of playback issues.
If playback issues continue, then please reach out to customer support for further assistance.
For individuals participating in a webcast, you will typically have access to the archived version for 3 months from the time the webcast took place. The archived version of the webcast typically becomes available within three weeks of the initial broadcast.
Course Materials can be accessed from your user account or from the viewer. The instructions for both have been listed below.
Accessing materials from your online account:
Accessing materials from the viewer:
If you are having trouble finding the file or don’t think it is being downloaded, please contact your System Administrator for help.
If you still have questions, you can contact us by phone or email.
Phone: 01235 847 393
To change courses, cancel an order, or get a refund, please send an email to with your name, email address, confirmation number, name of webcast or product, date of purchase, date of webcast (if it was a live event), and issue. We will handle your request within 1 business day and confirm via email.
For Live In-Person Events, you only need to complete the evaluation to receive your CPD certificate.
For Live Video Webcasts and Digital Recordings, there will be a quiz at the end of the course. This quiz will be based on content covered during the course and will need to be completed to receive your CPD certificate.
To complete your certification requirements and to download or email your certificate, start on your, ‘My Account,’ page:
Click on the orange button with a star, similar to the image below:
This will launch a certification window with sections that can be expanded to complete. After all of the tabs are green, opening the last tab will let you download your certificate to print or email.
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A CPD certificate will be issued upon completion of the post-test and evaluation located in your online account. Every Digital Seminar, DVD and Online Course comes included with a post-test, evaluation and CPD certificate at no additional cost. Please see the following steps to help you get started:
Check out every product here:
Be sure you are logged in to your account. Click Launch on any program that is included in the subscription. This will launch the viewer and add the program to your account.
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